Thu,Sep 12,2013

Editor's Pick

UN report on Syrian chemical attack "probably" on Monday: French FM

(Xinhua)    18:46, September 12, 2013
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PARIS, Sept. 12 -- UN experts would "probably" publish their findings on an chemical attack in Syria on Monday, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said Thursday.

In an interview with RTL radio, the minister stressed there was no doubt that forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad launched the chemical attack in Damascus suburbs last month.

"From the time when only the Syrian regime had stocks (of chemical arms), the carriers and interest to do so, we can conclude (who was behind the attack)," Fabius said.

"Next week, we will have a true idea to know whatever the initial intentions, if (Syria's chemical arsenal) can be placed under control or not," he added.

French President Francois Hollande said last week that he would decide how to punish Syrian regime over the suspected sarin gas used to kill civilians after release of the UN report and a U.S. congressional vote on a "limited" military action against Syria.

On Aug. 21, the Syrian opposition claimed that some 1,300 people were killed in a chemical weapon attack by the government troops in the suburbs of Damascus. The Syrian government strongly denied it.


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