Tue,Sep 10,2013

Editor's Pick

Majority of Americans oppose military action on Syria: poll

(Xinhua)    08:24, September 10, 2013
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WASHINGTON, Sept. 9 -- Latest poll results released Monday showed that the U.S. public still oppose military action against Syria, even if the Congress should authorize such a plan.

According to the poll conducted by CNN/ORC International, 59 percent of Americans do not want the U.S. Congress to pass a resolution to authorize military action against Syria. Even if the Congress passes such a resolution, 55 percent Americans still oppose air strikes against targets in Syria. If the Congress doesn 't pass that resolution, 77 percent Americans say they don't want the administration to go ahead with the attack without a Congressional authorization.

The poll was conducted by telephone from Sept. 6-8, with more than 1,000 adult Americans being interviewed. CNN said the result showed that U.S. President Barack Obama is "swimming against a strong tide of public opinion" over the military strike against Syria.

Obama has asked the Congress for authorization on military action to punish Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's regime for its alleged chemical weapons. But Syrian government has denied this accusation.

The Congress was back in session starting Monday after summer recess, and the Senate is expected to discuss whether to authorize military action, and may vote on it by the end of the week.

(Editor:LiangJun、Zhang Qian)

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