Mon,Aug 19,2013

Editor's Pick

Egypt closes Rafah crossing bordering Gaza after Sinai attack

(Xinhua)    20:07, August 19, 2013
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CAIRO, Aug. 19 (Xinhua) -- The Egyptian authorities decided on Monday to close Rafah crossing point bordering the Gaza Strip over Sinai attack which killed 25 policemen, a security official told Xinhua.

Earlier in the day, at least 25 policemen were killed and three others wounded in an attack by militants targeting two buses in Egypt's North Sinai, according to security official.

On Thursday, Egypt decided to shut the bordering crossing indefinitely to prevent Palestinians from leaving or returning to the coastal enclave via its main crossing point, but it was partially reopened on Saturday for allowing a vehicle carrying medicines to Gaza.

The security situation in Egypt's Sinai has been deteriorating since the toppling of former president Hosni Mubarak in 2011, and it is getting worse even after ousting president Mohamed Morsi as Islamists staged almost daily attacks against local army and police premises.

(Editor:DuMingming、Liang Jun)

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