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Ohio police resume search after three female bodies found


10:03, July 22, 2013

WASHINGTON, July 21 (Xinhua) -- U.S. police and volunteer searchers on Sunday combed vacant houses for more victims in a neighborhood in East Cleveland, Ohio, where three female bodies were found recently, local media reported.

East Cleveland Police Chief Ralph Spotts was quoted as saying that he suspected that there could be one or two more bodies to be found. He told the volunteers to brace for the foul odors from rotting bodies and look out for trash bags that could conceal a body.

The search was conducted after a 35-year-old registered sex offender was taken into custody Friday for suspected killing of the three women, whose bodies wrapped in plastic bags were found by the police in the past few days.

The unidentified suspect was detained after foul odor from a home led police to the discovery of the first body in a garage on Friday. Two other female bodies were discovered Saturday in a backyard and the basement of a vacant house. The victims were believed to be killed in the past six to 10 days, media reports said.

This was reported to be the third major case in the Cleveland area involving missing women in the past years. Three women, who disappeared a decade ago, were found captive in a house in May, and a former school bus driver was detained as the suspect.

In 2009, Anthony Sowell was arrested after police investigating a rape victim's report discovered the remains of 11 women in his home. He was convicted of murder in 2011 and sentenced to death.

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