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Kosovo, Serbia exchange liaison officers


08:20, June 18, 2013

PRISTINA, June 17 (Xinhua) -- Kosovo and Serbia exchanged on Monday their liaison officers as part of their efforts to normalise relations in line with Brussels agreement reached in the dialogue facilitated by EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton.

The officer of Serbian government Dejan Pavicevic appeared in the EU office headquarters in Kosovo capital Pristina to mark the start of liaison office functionality in Kosovo.

At the same time Kosovo liaison officer Lulzim Peci appeared in the EU delegation office in Belgrade. Due to circumstances, both liaison officers will work on EU offices.

Addressing the media, Pavicevic said in Pristina that his position is not diplomatic, but rather to facilitate communication between Pristina and Belgrade.

"As agreed in Brussels today takes place the official exchange of liaison officers. Here I am in Pristina, Mr. Peci is in Belgrade and we both will facilitate the communication, we'll facilitate the implementation of the deals reached in Brussels and simply to help the normalisation of relations between us," Pavicevic said.

He stressed that his engagement is not of a diplomatic character, adding that Serbia has not recognised Kosovo's independence.

Kosovo, a Serbian province, unilaterally declared independence in 2008. Serbia refuses to recognize it as an independent country.

However, both sides are engaged recently in a constructive dialogue to normalise relations, in a process facilitated by Ashton.

Starting on last October, leaders of the two sides have met in 10 rounds of talks in Brussels, resulting in an agreement for normalisation of relations on April 19.

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