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Turkish PM says mulling referendum on Gezi Park's future


08:13, June 13, 2013

ANKARA, June 12 (Xinhua) -- Turkish Prime Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Wednesday said a referendum may be held on the future of Gezi Park in Istanbul's Taksim Square where activists have been camping to protest the government's plan to demolish it, a senior official said.

The ruling Justice and Development Party's Deputy Chairman Huseyin Celik made the announcement after Erdogan's five-hour meeting with representatives of the Gezi Park protests in the capital Ankara.

The government's move came after more than two weeks of nationwide anti-government protests in solidarity of the demonstrators at Gezi Park, which witnessed fierce clashes between police and protesters.

Celik said the referendum, if held, would only include the Gezi Park, not the nearby Ataturk Cultural Center, which may also be on the demolition list as part of a program to revamp Taksim Square.

"Those with bad intentions, seeking provocation and persisting in staying at the park will be facing the police," he warned.

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