Mon,Dec 23,2013

Editor's Pick

People.cn launches new English edition

By Wang Jinxue (People's Daily Online)    15:23, August 01, 2013
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The English edition of People.cn, the People’s Daily Online, takes on a new look from Aug. 1, 2013, with an aim to better serve the increasing readership around the globe and their growing need in high-quality reports.

A major feature of the facelift is that the new edition will place significant emphasis on opinions, including editorials of People's Daily, commentaries of other mass-circulation Chinese news organizations and observations of prominent China watchers and academicians.

The new edition will continue to commit itself to introducing China's policies and covering activities and speeches of China's top leadership from all dimensions.

It will provide more detailed information on China military, China’s defense construction and its foreign affairs policies.

The new edition will also focus on Chinese culture and China society to give readers a lively grasp of ordinary Chinese people’s life. Travel guidance and information for foreigners will be available too.

People.cn has taken root in five continents with nine overseas branches, which are dedicated to stories close to local life and significant events taking place in the United States, Britain, Australia, South Africa, Japan, South Korea, Russia as well as China’s Hong Kong SAR.

Our website is committed to continuous improvement so as to provide more useful and interesting information its readers. We welcome any kind of advice and appreciate your valuable ideas, so feel free to contact us if you have any question or suggestion, and we will be grateful for your efforts. Our contact information is:

E-mail: englishpd@163.com
Tel: +86-10-65363691
Address: #2 Jintai Xilu, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100733, People's Republic of China

(Editor:WangJinxue、Chen Lidan)

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