Fri,Dec 27,2013
English>>Special Coverage >> Xiangyang

Editor's Pick

Old Dragon Cave

(People's Daily Online)    16:15, December 27, 2013
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Old Dragon Cave sits at the foot of Mountain Longzhong amid ever-green plants like pines, cypresses and bamboos and winds its way along a brook to nourish the Self-plowing Field.

It is said Old Dragon Cave, hidden among sceneries with unusual beauty, can trace it way far to Nanzhang, or even farther to Sichuan. Also, it is said that the cave is home to an old dragon, whose saliva is in fact the source of water flowing from the cave. Therefore, it explains why water here is sweeter and purer, and people here like Zhuge Liang are much clever. Spreading behind Old Dragon Cave is a peony garden in Longzhong, which becomes a sea of flowers in every spring. As the saying goes “Go to Longzhong to see booming peonies on prime time March 3”, it has remained a long-standing custom for locals.

(Editor:ZhangQian、Yao Chun)

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