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Iran, IAEA express progress in talks (3)


13:49, December 15, 2012

On Thursday, Iran's Deputy Foreign Minister for Asia and Oceania Abbas Araghchi said that "The (Thursday) meeting will focus on technical negotiations between Iran and the agency for deciding the framework and modality of (mutual) cooperation."

Meanwhile, Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast said that the talks with the IAEA in Tehran would have legal and technical dimensions and would be on the basis of Non- Proliferation Treaty regulations.

Iran was ready to cooperate with the IAEA to remove the UN watchdog's concerns over its nuclear program. At the same time, Iran expected that its rights to the peaceful use of nuclear technology and nuclear enrichment were recognized, said Mehmanparast.

Some Western nations suspect that Iran is conducting weapon- grade activities under the guise of civilian nuclear programs. But Iran denies the charges, saying that its nuclear activities are only for "peaceful" ends.

【1】 【2】 【3】


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